Our Methodology
First things first: what are your goals? Before we can begin to find the right avenues towards your success, Phantom Design will meet with you and find out what your goals are. Together, we’ll combine your visions of success with what we believe will bring you closer to your goals. Cross stitched pillow phrases like, “The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open” are optional at these meetings.
A brain storm session will ensue wherein we will throw out ideas, order take-out, and entertain hypothetical hilarities with great aplomb before buckling down to our top visualizations for your final approval.

Once Phantom Design team members and you agree, we will then hit the lab and create your vision to perfection. With development using the latest digital language, copy using the most succinct and refined Old King’s English, design using colors of the rainbow on a dewey morning, and marketing with the equivalent of a theatrical NYC sign spinner, your digital presence is at the forefront of our mind. And like a great romance, it’s never over for us. We want your feedback and our team members will be throwing the occasional pebble at your window to check up on you and see if there is anything else we can help you with. If you have any questions at all, Phantom Design is here for you. While we are highly accessible virtually, nothing beats a sincere handshake manually. Here’s to meeting with you and working together soon!